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Anonymous (reply to pattyanne2008)

I encourage to start focusing on you. Read books like Boundaries--anything you can get your hands on regarding codependency. Nourish your spirit with a consistent devotional life, even just one Bible promise at a time--make it your recurring thought. I started a prayer line over the phone the last year I was in my marriage. I began praying daily with other women. Not one knew what I was dealing with on a daily basis but we formed a bond of love and we prayed for each other. From the time I really was able to recognize the abuse to the time I had courage to get out, was approximately 4 years. For me it came down to life and death and I knew I had to leave. I left with my two kids and only the clothes on our backs on foot. A squad car took us to a crisis center and from then on God has provided miraculously for us. I didn't know how I would make it either. My husband financially exploited me. I have over $95,000 in debt and trashed credit. I wasn't allowed to drive. Your anxiety is from the abuse. You can drive. You can be free. It all starts with a choice. Start building yourself up. You deserve a better future.

December 31, 2014 - 11:20am


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