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My best friend in the world didnt know she was pregnant until she was four months along because she had period-like bleeding everytime her period was due... the fact that she was on the pill the whole time may or may not have been a factor. She said her mother experienced the same thing when pregnant with her brother... bleeding all 9 months of pregnancy when AF was due. The issue isnt whether bleeding is possible during pregnancy but rather if it's considered a period (menstruating) or not. So I'm going to give medical definitions since NOBODY seemed to point out the obvious.
a : a portion of time determined by some recurring phenomenon
b : a single cyclic occurrence of menstruation
So, arguably, a woman could experience a "period" of bleeding each month when AF is due while pregnant, but only by definition A, not B. That is because...
: a discharging of blood, secretions, and tissue debris from the uterus that recurs in NONPREGNANT human and other primate females of breeding age at approximately monthly intervals and that is considered to represent a readjustment of the uterus to the NONPREGNANT state following proliferative changes accompanying the preceding ovulation.

Bleeding during pregnancy could be numerous things: impending miscarrage, cervical bleeding, vaginal bleeding, implantation, and other factors that medical science may not have gotten to yet.
So, in a way, both sides are right. Women can experience a "period" during pregnancy, but it's not the same period as menstruating. Idk if anyone can explain why some women bleed when AF is due during pregnancy, but for the sake of this argument, a woman is not, by definition, menstruating, therefore not having a "period" in that respect.

May 28, 2011 - 1:27am


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