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EmpowHER Guest

Hello everyone!
I'll get right to the point. Me and my fiancé engaged in sexual intercourse 4 days after getting off of her period. I wore a condom but unfortunately, it broke, and I did not pull out. After finding out that the condom broke, I ran to the bathroom and grabbed a Plan b Pill that I kept just incase of emergency since she is not on birth control. She took the pill under 30 minutes after sex. It's been 2 weeks since the mishap, she is showing signs of side effects of the pill still, she doesn't throw up unless she is sick and today she almost vomitted for no reason, she is also saying she is tired and dizzy, her breasts are hurting her as well. I understand that these are side effects of the pill but they are also signs of pregnancy. Are we pregnant or is the pill still in her system??

August 17, 2016 - 2:51pm


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