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EmpowHER Guest

I have tried this and it is phenomenal. I recently had a bought of anxiety and depression due to a severe sinus infection. Before the CAT scan and surgery, I was sent to a Thyroid specialist who advised the infection caused tiny cells in my thyroid to burst causing the severe insomnia (would not sleep for days), anxiety and panic attacks. The pain and anxiety started causing me some depression. I saw a psychologist because the doctors kept giving me Loratab for pain and Lorazepam for anxiety that I refused to take due to the side effects. After much research I found a Psychologist in the area who offered an alternative called Alpha-Stim. I was looking for biofeedback, but he believed this would be more beneficial and was it ever. This small device uses Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES) to dramatically reduce anxiety, pain, insomnia, panic attacks, and depression by restoring serotonin and dopamine levels in the brain. It has worked wonders for Soldiers suffering from PTSD also. The waveform passes between two electrodes that clip on to your earlobes, sending a signal to your brain that helps to reduce many behavioral symptoms. It is an amazing devise that has stopped my depression, anxiety, insomnia, pain, and panic attacks since the surgery and medication did not cure me. I basically rented this device for 5 weeks for $150.00. My husband even committed the other day, "What did you do with my Wife." Has improved our relationship and my outlook on life.

January 6, 2016 - 4:07am


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