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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

I'm very hopeful, now that I've read your comment! I'm so glad that you took the time to relay your experience!!! This is my 2nd Fall of experiencing intensely itchy arms. Mine seems to start in September, but I don't recall when it stopped last year, although I do remember not suffering with it during the winter months. The itch started on my left arm, and now the right is also affected. It wakes me up at night, so I'm also tired and cranky during the day. My arms are now peppered with scabs, and I'm worried about scarring, as I'm also fair, but the itch is just too intense to keep myself from scratching. Anyway, I'm hoping we have Allegra here in Canada. Hitting the pharmacy is now first on my 'to do' list, for the day. THANK YOU so much for posting; I'm very hopeful about trying Allegra and will keep my fingers crossed. That is, when I'm not scratching, ha, ha.

November 14, 2018 - 5:53am


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