Have you seen a dermatologist? I saw one about 3 months ago and she prescribed some topical stuff as well as recommend I switched soap to Dove and uses lotions that are sold in tubs like Cetaphil. I was like you and was taking the max amount of Benadryl every day and putting on anti-itch lotion. I don't know what made it go away, but I think the harsh soap I used (Dr Bronner's bar soap) may have made it worse. Also, the type of lotion I used may have helped too. I feel you pain! BTW, I'm a 48 year old man. Didn't realize this was a women's health page!
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Have you seen a dermatologist? I saw one about 3 months ago and she prescribed some topical stuff as well as recommend I switched soap to Dove and uses lotions that are sold in tubs like Cetaphil. I was like you and was taking the max amount of Benadryl every day and putting on anti-itch lotion. I don't know what made it go away, but I think the harsh soap I used (Dr Bronner's bar soap) may have made it worse. Also, the type of lotion I used may have helped too. I feel you pain! BTW, I'm a 48 year old man. Didn't realize this was a women's health page!
October 3, 2018 - 7:19pmThis Comment