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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Hi, it's me again.
OK, my wife and I replaced our foam/latex/rubber mattress for a brand new spring type with a different underlay material. Apart from now getting an even better sleep, $2,500 later the mattress (and removing the electric blanket) made no effect on my itchy arms. So I went to my doctor who after a while chatting and asking me questions diagnosed it as a form of echzema.
He prescribed to me a cream ointment called ADVANTAN 0.1% 15G that should be applied twice daily and very sparingly because it is quite potent. My chemist where I usually go to buy other medicines said it is the best product available on the marketplace. I have been using it for several days now and it works like a charm - itching sensation completely gone and my arms are now repairing themselves and the red irritated skin is gradually disappearing slowly. You cannot just buy this product over the counter and you need to see your doctor and get him/her to prescribe it for you if your symptoms are the same as mine. I really hope it works for you and all the other sufferers having the same problems. My doctor also said avoid stress, get good sleep and rest and eat healthy food and exercise a bit. A healthy appetite leads to a healthy body and ensure you eat your fruits daily. He said DON'T scratch the area as this makes the symptoms worse. Apply some cold packs and don't have hot showers on the affected areas even though it might feel nice - apply some cold water to the areas after a warm shower to soothe the itch.
Good luck and let me know how you get along now. You can Google the data sheet and read the product for safety purposes. Also please don't try and self diagnose - go and see a doctor. That's what they are there for.

September 15, 2016 - 1:58pm


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