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HERWriter (reply to Anonymous)

Hi Anon,

Triggers and nerve pain can be like that.  It is frustrating why do nerves respond to something one time but then do not respond when it appears that the same situation is repeated?  It may be something else is the driver to keep your itching happening.  Perhaps it is your diet or your detergent you use to wash your clothes.  

I assure you it can be a very small thing that is setting things off.  And it is also not uncommon for a nerve calming medication to work for a while then stop working.  I wonder if some topical compounded cream that has lidocaine might help or even a topical creme that has Gaba or elavil (another med used for nerve pain/sensitivity) might help.  

You might want to see a chronic pain doctor just because they are experienced in choosing other meds to try.  I do suggest you call a compounding pharmacy close to you (google compounding pharmacy) and ask to talk with a pharmacist and see what they suggest.  Then if your primary dr is willing, he can write a prescription for some topical medication to try.

Good luck,


April 6, 2015 - 1:26pm


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