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Hello my name is Lisa. I have read this whole article with all of the comments and it has eased my mind and after reading all of your responses I know that sperm cannot travel through clothing but I think I just need my own reassurance. Last night my boyfriend and I were dry humping. I was wearing a skirt and my underwear and he was wearing his shorts and boxer briefs. The front of his pants became very wet but I think it was just from my own excitement. I'm about 99% sure that he did not even ejaculate because I gave him a hand job a couple minutes later and the inside of his boxers was not wet. The whole time my underware remained onbut like I said they became very wet. His underware remained on to and then when he ejaculated from the hand job all of it just got on my hand and his stomach and I washed my hands right after. So if by chance he did ejaculate while we were dry humping would there be any chance of me becoming pregnant? The only reason I ask is because I've read that if the underware of the women is wet enough the sperm can use that moisture to find its way to the vagina. Even writing this I feel funny. But I am not supposed to get my period until next Thursday (sep 1st) so I still have about a week to wait. So if there's any way to ease my mind I would greatly appreciate it.
Thanks, Lisa.

August 24, 2016 - 11:44am


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