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EmpowHER Guest

I'm not sure where you read the information about Gestational Diabetes being a reason for a cesarean section... and you listed several reasons why a cesarean might be/should be done for GD... but those reasons are absolutely *not* reasons to have a surgery to birth your baby.

GD can be and is controlled through diet and exercise during the pregnancy. A great deal is known about how to ensure the mother and baby are kept safe throughout the pregnancy and birth. Just because a woman has GD, she is not doomed to have a cesarean nor should she be at greater risk for having a cesarean just because of the diagnosis.

I'm especially concerned about the remark saying cesareans help the baby's blood glucoses stay normal and are beneficial. This is a reason I've never even heard before! And I've been in birth for 27 years now. Absolutely incorrect. If a mom has wildly fluctuating glucoses, causing problems in the baby, a cesarean does not, in any way, "protect" the baby from the complications of low blood sugars postpartum.

I hope women who read this will do their own research about this topic. If women adhered to all the "reasons" doctors thought we needed cesareans, the cesarean rate would be about 40%-50%. Oh, that's right... IT IS!

September 29, 2010 - 9:00am


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