My attacks began at age 14, nearly 38 years ago, in September 1972. Most recent diagnoses are Atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia and Migraines, which have different symptoms but may be related origin. My TN episodes are always R. sided Mandibular area and can last a few days, with several attacks per month. Another term sometimes used is Atypical Facial Pain. Mine could have been trauma-induced from football, which I played the year my episodes began. -JQT-
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My attacks began at age 14, nearly 38 years ago, in September 1972. Most recent diagnoses are Atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia and Migraines, which have different symptoms but may be related origin. My TN episodes are always R. sided Mandibular area and can last a few days, with several attacks per month. Another term sometimes used is Atypical Facial Pain. Mine could have been trauma-induced from football, which I played the year my episodes began. -JQT-
June 29, 2010 - 9:09amThis Comment