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Dear Pat,
Thank you so much for your feedback and heartfelt condolences. I am still in shock and pain at the loss of my precious Natalie whom my mother and I raised and cared for most of the time while my sister was "otherwise occupied"!!!! Natalie was dealt an unfair hand right from the start, beginning from the time her parents divorced when she was only five and her brother, ten. She also battled with anorexia nervosa and was in rehab for two years. Then the cancer and finally the PF. Natalie had a cheerful outlook despite all that she had endured in her young life. Had there been a miracle drug to extend her life if not cure it, she would have gladly taken it just as she took all her other meds all of these years for the Hodgkin's cancer.

I am angry and hurting at the thought that yes, all those 200,000 plus who are living under the same sword hanging over their heads without any hope for a cure or treatment. I keep seeing Natalie's beautiful face struggling for breath and the pain she constantly experienced...no one should have to go through that, especially a young person, through no fault of their own, but mainly because of arrogance and ignorance of physicians, specialists and others who refuse to pay attention to the seriousness of this disease and the dilemma people and their loved ones have to face.

Please pray for our Natalie's soul to rest in peace....we prayed to the Lord for a miracle but I guess He knew best..I do hope that one day this disease will get the same attention, if not more, as the other select few everybody harps on about constantly.

Thank you again for writing,


Heartbroken aunt Janet

June 11, 2010 - 9:43pm


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