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I'm so sorry about your anxiety. I too deal with an anxiety disorder, though mine is not as severe as yours. I know that panic and depression are such difficult things to deal with. I'm proud of you that you are continuing to look for a solution.

You mention that you have been to a therapist -- was it a therapist who was expert in anxiety disorders? Was that specifically what you worked on with him or her?

Have you ever heard of cognitive behavioral therapy? It is often successful with anxiety patients (and might be good for you since you cannot take meds). Here is a page with a good explanation of CBT:


Does this sound like it might be an option for you?

I am so glad that you are on the computer, and I hope you find your way back to this thread, because there are also some online support groups that might help you. Would you be interested in anything like that?

Karen, are you able to leave the house at all? Do you have things in your life that do bring you pleasure?

May 31, 2010 - 2:06pm


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