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EmpowHER Guest

Thankful for this page. Knowing that I'm not alone and there are other people who undergo this really help me, at least psychologically. It also helps to know that it will subside.

I have a strong guess that I have PR. I went to urgent care about 2 weeks ago, when the herald patch on my back was my main concern. Only had a few of the small rashes back then. The doctor wasn't sure what I had so she prescribed me antifungal and stronger topical cream lotion. She referred me to a dermatologist but can't get in until 2 months from now :( :( So I decided I'd research a lot myself. I used the topical cream and antifungal on both the herald rash and smaller rashes for 2 weeks (stopped last weekend) as I'm super cautious about prolonged use of the topical cream (thinning of the skin). The herald rash got better but still everyday I will find new small rashes, but I think they are somehow suppressed by the topical cream (now I find more appearing faster after stopping this treatment last weekend).

Since last weekend, I started going to tanning. So far have gone to 2 tanning sessions (every other day), at 5 and 7 minutes each, and a couple of sunbathe of 10-15 minutes. Right after the session or sunbathing I put on Head and Shoulder Clinical Strength and waited for 5 minutes before showering it off, followed by putting on Cetaphil restoraderm moisturizing lotion. Tried the desitin at 40% zinc oxide one night but it smelled so badly it made me very very uncomfortable, so I stopped this. So far the appearance of new rash hasn't stopped / slowed down (I'm so ready any time for this) and that defining sign of recovery is not at sight. Most (and a lot of ) rashes are on the torso, with a few on the neck, a few on upper arms and upper legs, and a couple on the lower left cheek. Itch level varies but fortunately I haven't lost much sleep. Hopefully this goes away soon, it's been approx 7-8 weeks since the first appearance of the herald patch.

September 6, 2016 - 3:36pm


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