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EmpowHER Guest

Pityriasis Rosea nearly almost gone in about 3 weeks! Use head and shoulders extra strength to wash with instead of soap. I didn't use a cloth, just used my hands because my rash was scabbing and i didn't want to irritate it by using cloths. I used regular soap in the places where i didn't have the rash of course. After AIR DRYING i applied chlotrimazole, then a thin layer of hydrocortisone extra strength all over my body. I applied to hydrocortisone a couple times a day to stop the itching. I tried to expose my skin to sunlight as much as possible because sunlight apparently helps. It is december so that was a little hard to do. But this is my 3rd week with the rash and its clearing up really fast and the spots are starting to diminish. Goodluck!

December 1, 2014 - 12:35pm


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