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I had PR about 2 years ago. When I noticed the first patch, I thought well this is nothing and will go away. Well it dried up and went away, then more came. I was concerned and went to the urgent care center, the doctor said he never seen that type of rash before and labeled it an allergic reaction. He gave me a steroid shot and prescribed oral steroid pack. It seemed like it was working for a few days, then more and more rashes appeared. The itching was so intense I was sleeping naked and had the ac turned down low.
It seemed like no end was in sight it spread all over my front and back and started creeping up my neck, so I went to the ER, the physician said this is a common skin rash called pityriasis rosea. I thought wow there is a cure to this madness, but I had never heard of this common rash...hmmmm. He said it's thought to be caused by a virus, but mine looked more like it was caused by a fungus. He prescribed antifungal cream and told me to bathe in Medicated Selsun Blue. This seemed like it was working but I ran out of the cream.
So I went to see a dermatologist, to get more cream and because I had severe dandruff. Apparently this rash spread to my scalp and caused severe flaking and itching, oh boy not this too. He prescribe antiviral acyclovir, it seemed like it worked. But not completely so he prescribed antifungal cream and shampoo. All this seemed to work as my skin cleared up, but my skin still felt a little at times like something was crawling on me. So I took matters in my own hands I did a total body cleanse 14 DAYS in the pill form and changed my diet, I cut out sodas and limited my sweet and dairy intake, since this stuff feeds fungus. I used a cup of apple cider vinegar diluted with water to rinse off in the shower, I poured on my head and let the excess run down my body. I'm back to normal.
I had PR for about 4 months, and do not wish that on anyone!

November 8, 2014 - 6:56am


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