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EmpowHER Guest

I am going to give some very good advice about PR!!
I was completely mortified when this terrible rash started up on my stomach and front, and spread like a Xmas tree all over my body. after begging doctor for any drug (placebo...I did not even care at this stage) they told me it could last for up to 4 months. Went to the dermatologist who said the same thing and then gave me some strong hydrocortisone for itch and inflammation. Very depressing, as I had lots of media appearances at this time, and it started creeping up my neck and I got a couple on my face although they rarely apparently go to your face!
So...I googled far and wide and worked out a treatment plan.
Got head and shoulders shampoo with almond oil and used as body was twice a day. Used the cortisone and mixed this with Plevanyl (antifungal cream) and slathered over my body and covered this with Dermaveen (an oatmeal moisturiser)
But I think the most success was that I have had three 6 minute sessions in the solarium. The first session I burnt mildly and it looked worse, but within two days it started to go. I have now had my third and you wouldnt even notice them, although a few there - I am still dong treatment and doing 3 x 6 minute sessions in tanning bed for the next two weeks.
Seriously...I was done within a week of doing the treatment.
Sharing this because all the GP/ specialist were saying it could last up to 4 months which was totally depressing.
I still have bits and pieces but can wear all my dresses etc and noone would notice. Also, got a light tan from the tanning bed whihc is quite good - as doing that really safely. As the tanning salon they keep wanting me to have more minutes so I can get really brown but my visit there is for other reasons!!
:) Have a go

October 25, 2014 - 6:13pm


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