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EmpowHER Guest

I think I am suffering from PR. I am now into week three with the rash. Before that they thought it was hives, but steroids did not work. Went to doc again yesterday and we are going to give it one more week before she does a skin biopsy. I have the rash between by cleavage and under the breasts, and pretty much all over by back up into my hair (I have very thick naturally curly hair) and front of my neck. I have also a sore throat and my lymph nodes are swollen, especially in areas where the rash is (e.g. neck and back of head). Did anyone else have theses symptoms? I also have some spots on my palms, not a lot but a few. Has anyone else had this? I know it is uncommon to have on face and hands, but not unheard of. I even have a few on my face. Just really want to find out if this is what it is. I tested negative for strep and mono, leading my dr to believe it is viral and likely PR. So far, I don't have much itchiness, except for the areas that are starting to scale. Just looking for similar experiences. Thanks!

October 14, 2014 - 9:29am


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