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EmpowHER Guest

Hi Noppy, Coming in here really late, but perhaps I would add my two bits. One thing that can cause and irrate the esophageal strictures is acid reflux. The acid being churned back up into the esophagus causes a narrowing of it. For natural relief, without the use of surgery, etc. I would suggest trying a raw foods diet. Either all raw food (vegetables, nuts, fruits, etc.) or at least a major percent of your diet being raw, and always starting your meal with the raw stuff. If you eat heat processed food only do it after you have raw salad, etc. There are tons of raw food recipes free online. Just do a google search for them.
And it is a diet that will cause your body to be more alkaline and less acid, which besides getting rid of the acid reflux will also help to heal other issues that maybe going on in your system.
Another hint would be to eat more slowly, leave yourself plenty of time to enjoy your food and chew it thoroughly before swallowing. After all you do not have teeth in your stomach. :) Try setting your fork down between each bite and talk to the people around the table between bites.
I find that when I eat this way I have no problems, with my digestion, and other health issues, such as skin and hair problems will become none existent for you.
Hope this helps. God bless.

December 5, 2011 - 12:04pm


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