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Seltzy - be careful not to put yourself in a situation where guys will expect you to have sex with them. Make sure to plan your interactions with guys in places and situations where you are in control. When you find a guy you really like and are comfortable with - after spending time with him and getting to know him, then you will feel more comfortable about physical intimacy. But start out slowly - and make sure you let the guy know - that you want to start slow with just some gentle touching. And also don't be afraid of touching yourself with a little lubricant - either KY jelly type lubricant or something simple like lotion or vegetable oil. It would be hard to be comfortable with someone else touching you if you aren't even comfortable with touching yourself. Also consider non-sexual touching. When you have someone you have feelings for, do things such as taking a bath together or massaging each other with lotion. Just set ground rules - at first anyway - that it is not going to be about sex. Learn to pleasure each other gently and without sex. Best wishes.

June 15, 2012 - 4:45pm


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