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EmpowHER Guest

This has all be very helpful. My daughter is 16 and was a pole vaulter - but started experiencing extreme pain after a bad drill two years ago but proceeded to vault until the pain got so bad she could no longer run. We saw a sports med dr 6 months ago and was immediately put in a back brace due to the stress fractures in her L5 --- well after months of no activity --and PT we just had a CT scan since she was still experiencing pain : The findings were not good and no progress over all this time :
bilateral L5 spondylolytic pars defects. There is very subtle
grade 1 anterior spondylolisthesis, measuring just a few millimeters on x-ray
and CT. There is a gap of about 3 mm in the pars defects themselves. These
fractures are not healed and at this point they are not expected to heal. Note
that the degree of spondylolisthesis can progress over time.

We are meeting with the dr in two weeks but at this point we are wanting to do what we can now while she is young to help her avoid issues she might encounter as she ages. I realize her level of grade is low (and trust me she has put down those pole vaulting poles for good - which is sad for a kid that was on mark to get to vault at D2 and possibly D1 colleges) but do we do surgery? From what I am reading and researching that is the only perminent fix

February 2, 2017 - 10:04am


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