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My father was diagnosed with a cyst in his right frontal lobe. He recently had a tumor in both frontal lobes that was removed in October 2016. He has had routine MRI's every 3 months since surgery. Everytime we go in they say "no tumor growth, no sign of cancer anymore' but they do not say anything about the cyst. it is 3 x 2 x 2.5 cm and here lately his cognitive function has been shot. After surgery he was doing better than he is now. It seems as if he is getting worse. Ever since surgery he has had memory loss. But he wasn't as confused and as slow as he is now. I'm not sure if the cyst is causing these problems or not.. But I decided to message his doctors office and ask why they never mentioned the cyst on his MRIs. It seems as if they just ignore the fact that he has this cyst. But my father is only 45 years old and it is like he is 80 with dementia. Sometimes he thinks that he lives with his mother and father and brothers. His father passed away in 2014. This is the hardest thing ive ever been through. He is childlike. But as I said after his surgery in October things were not like this. They have gotten worse cognitively for him. And we have not been giving answers. I am just wondering if anyone has had these problems with a cyst on the brain ? Confusion, lack of motivation, memory loss, childlike behavior, anger oubursts.... Anything would be helpful. Thank you

December 31, 2017 - 7:23pm


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