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EmpowHER Guest

Shaundra - & Mary Beth - first of all I apologize for not taking the time to log in on this site. My blog is http://holyhormones.com. If you look under Global Concerns about Gardasil and Gardasil Victims you will find the FDA VRBPC documents that I am referring to. Shaundra I will also email you privately. I have copied the link to your response to my colleagues around the world who are working on the issue. We are in the process of preparing a webinar on parental concerns about Gardasil to the FDA. I will be glad to email you the findings from our research, the power point and the handouts that we will be using for this presentation as soon as it is over. I along with a global network of women and men have been working diligently on this issue for the past three years. (Note: Personal email address removed by EmpowHER moderator.)

February 12, 2010 - 9:16am


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