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Anonymous (reply to ashley.wakefield)

Ashley, a few problems with your "facts."

"I like the research but I don't think uncircumcised penis is advantageous for a guy because it traps all the dirt inside the skin and thus can lead to infection."

No, actually the foreskin protects against that dirt. It simply covers the glans and the normal and natural secretions seal it from entry.

Additionally, any bacterials or fungals are the same ones found in the female vulva. You see, these organisms can not discern or discriminate between male and female cells so they are the same in both sexes. However, population counts are higher in females because cervical mucous feeds these bacteria and fungals.

An interesting note, . . .A round of antibiotics can kill off these bacteria. These bacteria "eat" fungals and the dearth of them will often leave the area susceptible to fungal (yeast) infections. A popular homeopathic and highly effective remedy to re-establish these colonies is to apply plain, unsweetened yogurt on the area. You see, the same active "live" bacterial cultures that make yogurt what it is are the ones that "infect" the foreskin.

At any one time, the human body is host to more than 300 different specie/varieties of bacteria. They are an essential part of our immune system and digestive system. Without them, we would be cronically ill and we would starve to death regardless of how much food we ate.

"Asian countries promote circumcision."

This is not true with the exception of Korea which picked up the fad/habit from American servicemen during The Korean War. No other country in Asia circumcises their babies, not a single one!


October 30, 2010 - 11:24am


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