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(reply to rlyons)

"I can understand that this is not always the case."
Yes, this is a misperception of those who fight the practice in this country. This was an easy misperception because the practice is so uncommon here that few have any experience with it at all. The truth is this is done either by midwives or by physicians. Midwives perform the service typically in the home or in storefront settings while physicians operate in medical offices.

"I live in a country where most of the men my age have been circumcised and any I asked about it felt ok about it."
I see this often in this discussion and I find it troubling. I've been divorced longer than many here have been walking this earth and I live in an area with lots of singles and I've taken way more than my share of "The available fruits." Not once in all those years has any woman asked me about my circumcision or even brought up the issue at all. How is it that you've discussed this intimate subject with so many men?

"I feel you doth protest too much..."
Would you say the same thing to a woman who protested her circumcision?"

"Well it would really help him to go about life being all angry about it! PULEEZE!"
Does it help the women who have been circumcised to protest it and be angry about it? If so, why is there a difference?

"Take a valium. I am not returning to your aggressive and angry postings."
Would you say the same thing to a woman? Why not? Would you abandon the discussion if we were all women who had been circumcised or would you offer them consolation? Why?

"What is the point of a man who is already circumcised and happy with his sex life to be going about the world in a hissy fit? My boyfriend is happy."
Why should a woman who has been circumcised benefit from fighting the practice? In areas where the practice is common, up to 90% agree with and support the practice and are happy they were circumcised. Clearly they are happy but should they all be happy because 90% are happy?

April 1, 2010 - 5:42pm


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