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Woah, calm down guys! You don't need to defend so vehemently....We are commmonly taught in the west that femal circumcision is a brutal act. I have seen pictures of female genetalia cut off with a piece of rock and heard interviews by women talking about their pain and how they were forced to have this done when they were young girls. I can understand that this is not always the case.
My boyfriend was circumcised in a hospital when he was a new born and feels fine about it, as were many of my male friends.
I don't see how it matters to any of you gung-ho men out there who I prefer to sleep with. I live in a country where most of the men my age have been circumcised and any I asked about it felt ok about it.
It's not like I asked them to get it done.
I am happy for you with your uncircumcised members...good for you.
I just made a slightly more light hearted comment.

I feel you doth protest too much...

April 1, 2010 - 10:26am


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