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EmpowHER Guest

Wow, reading this I felt such a sense of familiarity. I think you are absolutely right. I think that hypochondria beigins to manifest itself when a personal health issue has arised (whether it be serious, or not) and people deal with it differently. I'm not sure what causes us to deal with issues in such a way (filled with anxiety) but I can say that hypochondria seems to really manifest itself with me when I am stressed to the MAX (i.e: University, work, exams, etc..) and that's when I begin to focus a large amount of attention on a particular part of my body that for some reason I feel is unhealthy. For example if I get a headache in a certain part of my head and not another I automatically attriubute it to a brain tumor or something outrageous like that and then I begin to have panic attacks! It is a never ending cycle that I seem to sometimes be able to break, and sometimes I can't. Also, I believe that if you are the type of person that likes to research things and pick things apart, that it may also set off the hypochondriatic tendancies. I know for a fact that being in University for what will be 3 years in a Psychology program has definitely set roots in when my hypochondria first started. Being exposed to the brain and how it functions (Biopsychology) and having to know different parts of the brain and the things that can go wrong within it just placed an internal fear in me that "perhaps that could happen to me?" I'm not sure, these are of course just theories but I am glad you shared this and I am glad I came upon it (thanks stumbleupon). And thank you!

May 23, 2010 - 12:43pm


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