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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Hi.. I had the Her Option procedure done yesterday afternoon May 9, 2012 in my doctor's office and just wanted to share what I experienced and will also do this again at a later date to share if it has been a success or not. I took a Valium one hour before with 20oz of water and had a pain reliver Toradol (sp?) shot 45 minutes prior. My doctor also gave me a cervical block shot right before the procedure. The procedure itself was not bad at all for me, it was tolerable, uncomfortable at times, but not painful. My doctor and the nurses are very personable and put me at ease, which helps. Immediately after the procoedure I experienced cramping, and very intense cramps in my lower spine, (in my tailbone to be exact) which felt very similar to back labor or like the feeling that I had to go to the bathroom but could not. This really worried me, as it was so similar to labor but did not escalate to that level of pain. I could still walk. However the cramps were patially alleviated with a perscribed pain medicine, Naproxen (sp) and my husband drove me home and I slept for a few hours. I had some light bleeding mixed with watery discharge and spent the remainder of the evening in bed. I started to feel better last night with a little cramping but most of it has subsided. I was surprised to wake up feeling absolutely fine! with no cramping and am getting a little bit of watery discharge. I will post again after my next few periods as I think it is helpful to share my experience with other women in the same boat. Of course not everyone has the same experience, but we women can help one another and I know I feel better when I read posts from actual women instead of the manufacturer's website.

May 10, 2012 - 6:31am


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