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I'm a tad bit worried. I am very adamant on keeping track of my periods,symptoms and fertility so i have an app that I mark them with. Typically my periods are anywhere from 21-23 days apart, well back on june 22 my bf and I had sex and we think the condom broke so I took plan b about 30 minutes afterwards just to be safe even though it was a safe week and I was not fertile no ovulating. Well last month my expected period was late and then to top it off i had a brownish/black discharge anywhere from the 15th to the 23rd (I dont remember the exact date) it ranged from light to heavy and smelled really bad with a LOT of clots. So I figured it was just a weird period. Well this month I get all my symptoms minus sore breasts (they are usually extremely sensitive and sore the week prior to my period). I've taken 4 pregnancy tests and they have all come out negative but I'm just not sure if they are right since my cycle is off. Is it possible that I am pregnant but am just have multiple negative tests?

August 18, 2014 - 8:22am


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