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What a lovely tribute to your friend. I'm so sorry that you lost her. It sounds like we are all a little worse off without her in the world.

I have a friend who lost her mother to ovarian cancer several years ago. I believe she was diagnosed in April or August and she died on Christmas Day. Her mother was loving, funny and artistic, but was no match for the ugly stepsister. I wish she'd have at least had the five years Sherie had, and then I wish they'd both have had much longer.

For anyone who wants more information, EmpowHER has a detailed page on ovarian cancer, including links to other resources at the bottom:


Thank you for the link to Sherie's foundation. I was impressed that they have raised and donated more than $223,000 to research already! That's huge!

January 7, 2010 - 9:24am


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