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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Wow im sorry you have to go thru that & feel that way but sad to say im in sorta the same boat. I been with my boyfriend almost 6 years and im now pregnant with my first child, im 6 minths pregnant and he never wants to do it anymore. It just makes me feel so unwanted and sad.. sad to say we've had a sex problem for a while now and I'm surprised i haven't left already. Its hard.. and he actually didn't come home after work friday night , turned his phone off and showed up the next day and we live together smh.. i feel like he cheated but he said he didn't but yet he's trying to be super nice.. i also tried to have sex with him just to see his reaction and he said he was too tired and refused to do it,...its just sad cuz now we have a baby on the way..but im not happy with my sex life...

January 12, 2015 - 3:21am


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