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EmpowHER Guest

I feel for you ladies, being in a relationship void of passion, intimacy and romance. But all I see are YOUR sides of the story.

Have you emasculated your men? Chopping him down in public, embarrassing him in front of friends/colleagues? Overturned any of his decisions as a father to his child?

Do you act more like his mother than a lover? (yes, big turn off)

I'll put it to you girls this way:

What happens when you rob a man of his manhood? You basically created a chick with a dick. And y'all wonder why now your man is the one giving you the lame excuses that women usually give men to avoid sex.

Yes, if you've emasculated him, he'll turn into a female (plus the penis), and he'll start treating you like females do.

I suggest you guys look up articles about how you might be unconsciously emasculating your man.

Plus, you might be screaming...he might possibly be gay! Honey, I wouldn't be screaming that to the hills...remember YOU PICKED HIM! So obviously you don't even know how to choose a REAL MAN...you're always picking up sissies, closet homosexuals/bisexuals.

And nagging??? For the love of God, CUT IT OUT! We understand that you have a voice and feelings that deserve to be heard. But how would y'all feel if us men bitched about everything? You'd see us as grumpy, pessimistic assholes. Well...what do you think we say about y'all who nag???

I'll wait...

Just to sum it up...yes, men more and more are checking out of intimacy within their relationships. But instead of blaming him, and screaming WHY ME???, why not check yourself. Usually the one who is quick to blame others, is only doing so to deflect the negative attention away from their shortcomings and wrongdoings.


December 28, 2014 - 4:22pm


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