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OMG I feel like i can relate to everyone here! I've been dating my boyfriend for 9 months now. Our relationship jumped the gun really quick we moved in together immediately. we knew each other so the connection flowed great therefore he moved in with me well at first I should really say the first month sex was great !! month 2 & 3 hardly none we went month 4 & 5 without having sex month 6 & 7 was twice a month and now again 8 & 9 none !!!! when the relationship started I was on birth control at the 5th month I removed it as a decision he pushed for. When it came to having sex to make this baby he wanted so much it didn't happen other than those 2 times a month i tried talking to him about it and he stated he loved me and it was him that he just couldn't perform to what i want that he had a low sex drive so he would rather not besides to him sex meant nothing hes 28 yrs old lets be honest here hes an ex marine he had a heck of a sex drive why not now???? i know he can perform great it was amazing the first month where is that man again ? i brought it up again and again and he says i don't turn him on because I'm always bugging about it how could i not? when we do have sex its great im always left happy and satisfied I'm 27 excuse for talking freely but i have a high sex drive i have a piercing and quiet frankly i have a boyfriend masturbating isn't cutting it. i went as much as asking him if he would be OK if i could have a female provide me with the satisfaction that i want and need that he isn't doing.. at first he wasn't happy with my question he let it sink in and agreed i could (i haven't done it yet, and i say yet because i feel like it will happen sooner or later) to bring you back to that first month i will say this the piercing threw him off guard, well to get into detail i can also squirt it freaked him out !!!! Ive always had a huge sex drive and any other man i've been with has found these two things great but not him i took the piercing off for about 4 months i recently put it back in and hes yet to know since we are back at not having sex. the other night i lost my mind i feel unwanted rejected ugly a turn off fat name it i told him i completely needed change because apart of me was letting go, i needed explanation on why again the 2 months of no sex. he now changed it from low sex drive to hes scared of me getting pregnant ( uhm hello hes who wanted it !!! ) i told him fine we can use protection i can get back on birth control but the problem needs to be fixed or i will leave this frustration of being turned down has now made me feel depressed. nothing has yet to happened other than i feel more confused than ever. i asked him if he would rather not have sex if he can put my needs first and please me with out sex and nothing. other than the nosex hes an amazing man i dont get it ? this past month we went from him living with me to us moving out and getting a new much more pricier apartment so i find it harder to up and leave things went from mine to ours. i dont get it we literally wont go to sleep unless my leg is on him or vise versa.... how can we have moments like that but never any sexual activity? mind you he LOVES for us to shower together what is going on what do i do how can i continue like this?... help

lost and confused

December 8, 2014 - 2:46pm


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