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EmpowHER Guest

That’s really hurtful that he would be so thoughtless as to involve your kids in his infidelity. I feel even more hurt for you as you had a bad go at love with your first husband and now this guy something like this can really kill the spirit. I think if he was just flirting or playing with the woman to get arousal you both should try to mend your hurt, but if it’s a lost cause then there’s only one thing left to do... I’m an sex addict the thing is I only want to have sex with my wife and I’m just too much for her and she leaves me loveless for so long, The longing becomes unbearable I can’t expect her to be in the mood as often as I am so I try to satisfy myself in other ways, I am absolutely against cheating and what I’m doing feels like cheating to me but I don’t know any other way of satisfying my needs and not cheat on my wife while trying to be faithful and waiting for her to come around is killing me. I just don’t know.

June 3, 2019 - 2:22pm


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