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I had the flu shot about threel weeks ago (Sept 30, 2015), and I was expecting the usual aches and pains in that shoulder and back for a few days. But this time, it also came with increasingly severe lower back pain. I was treatng it with OTC pain meds and a little hydrocodone, but it began to get worse and even awaken me from a sound sleep. Finally last week, I was in such excruciating pain that I had a family member rush me to the ER at 4am. The bulk of the pain was in my lower back and right rear hip bone. They did a CT scan and found nothing. In the past few days, I've gone to my regular doc, a bone and joint clinic, and now have an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon to figure out what's going on. I have had x-rays and an MRI. I went from a healthy, active, sporty woman, to a near invalid. This is so not ok. The docs will not accept that it could be associated to the flu shot, but I'm convinced that it is the culprit. The docs want to send me to a pain management place, and that may pisses me off. Steroids haven't helped, muscle relaxers don't work, and hard core pain meds only reduce it to a moderately tolerable level. This is making me crazy!

October 19, 2015 - 7:52pm


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