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I am on Sprintec and I have been for almost two months now. I took my very first pack of pills correctly and on time everyday, and retrieved my second packet on time, and took the first two days of pills on time. However, I missed pill three because I did not have it on me at the time. I was fully aware of this, and I took it as soon as I could, about 12 hours after the time I was supposed to. I then took my fourth pill on time, so I took two pills in one day. I am concerned because I have been reading a lot about missing just one pill. Some say you do not need backup protection for just missing one pill if you make it up. Some say that you do. The instructions on my pill medication pamphlet say that if I miss one pill and make it up as I did, no backup protection is required. So, I went with my pill's instructions and did not use backup. I had unprotected sex 4 days after I missed the pill, and then a week after the pill. Thus, I have two questions.
1.) How much risk did I put myself in? Are we all basically guaranteed pregnancy by missing one pill in the first week and not using back up? Am I likely to be pregnant now? I am certain that my partner did not ejacuxate inside of me. I did check, but I want to leave no room for error.
2.) If the rules have changed about if you need to use backup after missing one pill, why do people continue to spread misinformation?
I realize how stupid and pathetic my worries might sound; I should be more mature than this, but I would just like some peace of mind.

March 28, 2016 - 7:54am


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