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I am 27 years old. I have been on the Depo Provera from the age of 17, due to endometriosis. 4 months ago, I decided to go onto Yasmin. I experienced mood swings of note, loss of libido, headaches, nausea, lack of energy... and the list goes on.. But the worst is yet to come.
On Monday the 5th of Jan 2010, my appendix was taken out via emergency surgery. I was discharged the Thursday morning. I started limping when I walked, but brushed it off as a discomfort from surgery. 2 days later I was admitted to Milpark Hospital (Johannesburg, South Africa), with a DVT (Deep Vein Thrombsis) in my left thigh and was also diagnosed with a severe PE (Pulmonary Embolism). I was standing on death's front porch!!!!!

Various blood tests were done to establish any previous genetic blood disorders (PCR Genetic diseases) and were eliminated by the Pathology Lab and the Vascular Surgeon. My potassium and sodium levels were quite low...
The cause of my blood clots?? YASMIN!!

My CT scan report said the following:

Post contrast through the chest as per Pulmonary Embolism Protocol.

The central pulmonary artery appears normal. There is evidence of a filling defect in relation to the area of the left pulmonary artery, just at the level of the branch of the upper lobe segmental branch. There is the impression of thickening in relation to the segmental branch of the anterior segment of the right upper lobe with further impression of a suspicious filling defect noted in relation to the apical segmental branch.
Further evidence of eccentric pulmonary emboli noted along the right interlobar artery, continuing into the apical segmental branch of the right lower lobe.
Continuing eccentric filling defect noted to extend into the right inferior pulmonary artery with defect noted inferiorly.
There is evidence of a filling defect noted in relation to the lateral basal segmental branch of the right lower lobe.
Further evidence of filling defect is noted in relation to the third order division branches to the posterobasal segment of the right lower lobe.
The upper lobe segmental branch appears to be intact.
The left pulmonary arteryappears to be well opacified.
There is evidence of eccentric clot in relation to the lateral wall of the left inferior pulmonary artery which is noted to continue inferiorly into the segmental branches of the anteromedial basal and laterobasal segmental branches.
The aortic arch and the rest of the thoracic aorta appears normal in calibre. The heart and chambers seem to be within normal limits.
No pleural effusions or segmental atelectasis or pleauroparenchymal infarcts are noted.
The visualized liver, spleen, pancreas and upper poles of both kidneys appear to be normal. The intrahepatic IVC appears to be patent.
Delayed scan performed through the lower abdomen and pelvis. There is evidence of a filling defect in relation to the left common iliac just beyond the bifurcation just beyond the confluence with clot noted to extend o the left external iliac and left internal iliacs.
Clot noted in relation to left common femoral and left superficial femoral veins.
The pelvic structures appear to be within normal limits.
There is evidence of multiple acute pulmonary emboli in relation to both lungs. These were noted to involve predominantly the segmental and subsegmental order division branches.
There is however clot noted in relation to the right inferior, right interlobar and left inferior pulmonary arteries.
Extensive clot noted to extend from the left common iliac vein distally.

I need some advice.... Do I stand a good chance of filling a law suit? And whom do I sue?

[email protected]

April 25, 2010 - 9:31am


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