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HERWriter (reply to Dr. Marvin)

I'm glad I was able to help. Wow!

I think it is so important for people to know they have options. I think it's so important for dentist like you to speak up so your voice doesn't get buried. You come across as a dentist that truly cares about your patients and knows what they're doing. I work for an endodontist who does the same, and worked for an oral surgery practice that did the same.

Perhaps as more information becomes available and more evidence comes available about how these methods work compared to traditional dentistry, more people and more dental practitioners and specialists will look on it more seriously and start integrating more of the practices.

The sad thing is that people should be able to implicitly trust their health care and dental care providers, but the many cases of abuse and improper treatment or recommendations means that we can't always trust implicity.

October 8, 2009 - 10:26am


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