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Hi I just wanted to find out the risks behind washing my entire vulva with soap and cold water immediately after my boyfriend was thrusting against my hymen without a condom while we were both naked. There was no penetration at all no ejaculation just pre ejaculation fluid and he would occasionally stimulate my clitoris with his hands. He also rubbed his penis against my clit. It was immediately after this that I peed first and washed with cold water and soap as it was readily available. About 2hours later I took a bath and concentrated on my vulva washed again with the hot bath water and lemon African black soap twice and a regular neutral soap with a bit of douching to make sure no semen or precum is left behind on my body and rinced off with alot of bath water (i know douching and soaping the clitoral and vaginal area is wrong but I needed to for my own peace of mind) . After my bath I used some baby powder on the area to ease any irritation that might occur and keep the area dry in case there is live semen on my body that didn't wash off. Is it possible to get pregnant even after all that I did.

November 13, 2016 - 6:44pm


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