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EmpowHER Guest


I really really hope you can help me. I am flipping out. So last wednesday my boyfriend and I were grinding nude but for most time, i made him but a tissue on the head of the penis to keep his pre cum from touching me (he had peed 3 times that day but I still wanted to be safe) and when he tookoff the tissue, he would rub himself behind me (between my buttcheeks, sorry for tmi). After he ejaculated faaaar from me, we went back at it again after 30 mins except that I gave him oral sex before he did the same thing with my back. I just wanted to know if in any way or shape this cld get me pregnant. We both try go be as safe as possible but I think I'm gonna start taking the pill.
The thing is, this happened the day of (I think, because my cyxles are 28 days long) my ovulation. And then, three days later, I wake up to find more ewcm discharge and watery discharge. I am usually a bit more dry after ovulation. Please help

November 7, 2016 - 10:25am


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