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(reply to Anonymous)

Dear Anonymous Teacher.
Since no pharacutical companies have stepped forward and admitted they have poisened us, then the general consensus around here has been that most of us are victims of a badly placed needle that caused some nerve damage. I believe my shot was too low. Arm shots are supposed to be 3 fingers from the top of the shoulder approximately. Mine is about 7 of my own large fingers and probably 10 of the nurses fingers, so it was quite low down and in a place where the muscles join without much meat. Still I find it hard to beleive a little needle stick can cause so much damage, but apparently they can. Mine has mostly resolved over the past 9 months but I still feel it from time to time and the process was slow. The body heals most things we do to it without us interfering. The supports here helped a bunch just knowing your not alone is very important. Read all the posts here. I have not seen a successful MRI scan or surgery yet from anyone. I do exercise and beleive that has been where I have received the most benefit althought it hurt at first, before during and after a workout. Listen to your body, try different approaches, exercise, heat, cold, stretches, massage. See if you can find a combination that helps. Try a naturapath. Try ignoring it and turning it off yourself. Nerve pain is connected to perception so is definately somewhat subject to our contro. You might find homeopathic help. I have not heard anyone talk about going to a pain clinic or clinic that specifically focus on pain management. There are some new advances in understanding pain that may be worth persuing. Perhaps a University Hospital near you might have a pain clinic.
Best to you. Anonymous Teacher.
PS. By the way Pat from this site is super supportive. She will acknoledge your post.

August 28, 2010 - 11:05pm


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