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EmpowHER Guest

To Anon in Australia - I feel your pain... literally! I was given the flu jab at work (Sydney) 4 weeks ago now & ever since have had terrible shoulder pain. It hurts to lift my arm up, get dressed, wash my hair etc. My flu jab was also unusually high. My doctor recommended an ultrasound last week, it showed nothing. How did your blood test go? I am going back to the doctor this afternoon to explore another avenue as I am still in so much pain. The pain gets worse at night so I find it hard to get a decent sleep. My pain is only in my left shoulder though, nowhere else in my arm like some other people have been experiencing.
I just want it to go away now, I've never had such an annoying pain in my life!
Jade - Sydney, Australia

April 26, 2010 - 10:23pm


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