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Expert HERWriter Guide Blogger (reply to flu_shot_long_term_pain)

Hi Anon - Thanks for writing, for letting us know you're a medical professional and for providing such precise information. Several of the people writing to us about this have mentioned being treated as if they were making it up, and your comments are much appreciated. What is disturbing though is that you too have gotten the same vague "nerve damage" answer that others have gotten. You're welcome to read through this thread, and the others on this site, to see how others have described their pain and what medical professionals have told them. This may help you, and your analysis of the data would certainly be interesting for the rest of us.
I wish there were some clear answers to give you to help you, but at this point we have a lot of guesses, many helpful suggestions and many people who would also like some better answers. Take care, Pat

February 23, 2010 - 5:44pm


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