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I had my regular flu shot in September, 2009. I usually get my flu shot at my doctors with no problems. This time I received it at my local town hall, what a mistake. I have had pain from that day. When I lift something heavy or turn my hand and arm to the left the pain is very sharp still. At first I thought the needle had broken off and had traveled down my arm because most of the pain is in my forearm and slightly above the elbow. I saw my doctor and she said she was confident the needle had not broken off and that possibly the injection was given in the wrong spot and had damaged a nerve and would get better in time. I must admit it has gotten a little better but it has been all these months. I used to lift hand weights and can no longer do that. I will never get another flu shot again, this has been at times an agony. I did report this to the agency that gave the injections and they said out of hundreds of people who received the injections I was the only one to complain. I find that hard to believe when I have found many postings on the internet with the same pain after the injection. It seems most people who have been injured believe it is because the injection was given in the wrong spot. Advil is the only meds that seem to take the edge off.

February 14, 2010 - 4:37pm


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