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EmpowHER Guest

Hello all,

I have written before and wanted to share an update with the group. My symptoms were quite severe like everyone else. My MRI showed no tearing or other damage. The doctor then said that it is likely a toxin from the serum that has lodged in the muscle, causes the pain and swelling, and does not respond to a darn thing! It would just take time for the muscle to purge the toxin.
Hearing that I had no physical damage, I went back to the gym and started a workout routine again. 30-45 minutes on the treadmill, and as painful as it is, doing the arm weight machines. Believe it or not, the pain subsides and range of movement is better on days I work out. On days I skip, pain worsens. I am hoping this is helping flush out the toxins more quickly. I have regained motion to be able to put my arm above my head and to put weight on it. I still cant reach behind my back without some pretty bad pain, but things are looking up.

I am also thinking about a deep tissue massage, as this is supposed to help muscles release toxin. Has anyone tried that?

Cathy in Florida

February 10, 2010 - 10:08am


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