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Anonymous (reply to chubby)

Dear "Chubby"...

I know its been a little while since your post but I just came across it tonight and was wondering how you were doing??? Did you try the pills or detox??? I myself am a former "fat girl" I went to college at 18 at an athletic 155 (mind you I am 5'10 and have a 36 D chest) but I was toned and lean....then college life set in and I ballooned to 230!!!!!!! not so lean and not so toned....Anyways, when I came home from school I worked out with a trainer 4x a week and re-educated myself on diet, exercise, and how the body works....I mainly did Kettle Bell trianing (LOVE IT SUPER FUN!) and light cardio work....Hands down the BEST WAY to lose weight is to 1) educate yourself and dont fall for "easy solutions" the easy part is gaining the weight and in this day and age the hard part is losing it....you need to walk 10,000 steps a day (roughly 5 miles...get a pedometer for 15 bucks at a sports store) and then alternate your workouts....if you do the same thing everyday your body becomes used to it and in the same way we go into starvation mode if we dont eat enough calories our bodies wont lose anything if it isnt being challenged....

with that said think of your body as a car...when you press the gas peddle the engine revs up....thats what you have to do with your body...so that means change your work outs up....try working out 2 days on, 1 day off, 2 days on, 2 days off, 2 days on, 1 day off ect....and on the days you work out eat about 1500 calories of lean meats (white meats vs red is best) and lots of veggies (but be careful of extra calories from salad dressing!)...then you chose one of your days off to spike your calories...eat more like 1800-1900 then the next day try to be around 1200-1300....if you change the amount you eat each day with a different kind of work out (but always try to walk those 10,000 steps) your body will never know what is coming so it will always be working hard!!!!

Trust me when I say I tried EVERYTHING....and I thought it was hopeless....it wasn't until I educated myself on how our bodies work and what is really in food and found work outs that I really enjoyed and liked doing that I was finally able to lose all the weight....Now 3 years later I hold myself steady at a healthy, fit, and sexy in my opinion 160! It took me about 4 1/2 months to lose the 60lbs....it was hard work and took some willpower but worth every moment and cent spent on the trainer (who became a great friend)

OOOOOH yeah and the other thing that was the KEY to my success....I NEVER beat myself up when I had a cheat day (you need them 2-3 times a month) and I eat some Hershey Kisses everyday! they are my guilty pleasure and truly help with cravings and you dont feel deprived....

Anyways I hope you are finding some success or you find this useful!!! Best of luck! Dont lose hope and dont fall for the "easy way"....if you are looking for an appetite suppressent to help you get started try drinking Peppermint tea...its really yummy like 5 calories and good for you....its also calms the stomach and helps keep you regular when you start eating more fiber and all that good stuff !!

Good Luck!

~a former fat girl

January 24, 2010 - 7:42pm


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