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EmpowHER Guest

Starvation mode is a myth. You will slow weight loss but if you are truly consuming and burning less than your body needs you should be losing weight, although it is unhealthy. If you starve yourself of calories you will lose weight, the end. Also, your muscles do not get attacked first if you have fat stores, the fat will be gotten first which is why they are called fat stores!!! Notice when celebrities severly restrict their calories, they look anorexic. Also, case in point, countries with low calorie intake because of lack of nutrition, and I hate to use this, concentration camps, notice their bodies did not hold on to weight when they went into starvation mode. However, your body will start using muscle once the fat is pretty depleted. Also, if you are not getting the nutrition your body needs you will start to lose hair, brittle nails, low energy,etc. You may be eating a lot of carbs and sugar which may be why your slow to lose because these in excess will keep your body hanging on to fat. If you are having a difficult time losing weight and are exercising and restricting calories, something is amiss. You may have a food allergy, hormonal imbalance or a sugar problem. For example, people who have gluten allergies often lose a lot of weight when they go gluten free. I know a person who lost 150 pounds after they found out they had a gluten allergy.

January 18, 2010 - 7:48pm


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