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I have been struggling with my weight for some time now. Let's face it life thows us curve balls we aren't prepared for. Sometimes eating is the only thing some of us know how to do. I've been as small as a size 3 and as large as a size 18 currently. Most of my life has been spent on a diet and working out all the time. I finally gave up a few years ago and now being fat is what I have gotten in return. I've realized that my weight is beyond frustrating and unhealthy. So I have decided it's time to get extra help some how and make a change.

I've purchased the Maximum Strength Fat Burner by Jillian Michaels. Tomorrow will make two weeks that I have been taking them. Honestly, I can say I'm surprised that I did actually see my numbers going down on the scale insteading of going up. Finally! I lost 4 pounds my first week and 2 pounds the second. I have made a total life change in my eating habbits. I've been buying very healty foods from whole foods and walking. Not everyday but walking is a help. I do notice that I eat less which is amazing. I'm also drinking more water. I think I'm going to give the pills another two weeks. I'm going to buy my second bottle tomorrow to continue. The side effects: I've gotten faint twice and seen spots bright spots once. I'm not sure that I can say it's from the medication or not. Since I have gone on a strict diet, drinking only water and milk for liquids and have given up drinking coffee everyday maybe my sugar count was low. I'm really not sure but since then it has not happened again.

My first day I took one pill before breakfast and one before lunch. The second day and through the 2 weeks I took two with lot's of water. I think it's a bit high in price but I do think it's worth another 2 weeks if I can continue to loose weight. I will report back again and share my next two weeks. Good Luck to everyone!! I hope my next 2 weeks continue to drop numbers on the scale because I'm more determined now in my life than ever before!

January 18, 2010 - 7:36pm


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