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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

I am a dude. Sorry, typed in Jillian Michaels diet pill, and got this. I read some posts, and want to put in my 2 cents.

My name is Mark, June 15th I decided, I was done being 340 pounds. I had been trying differnet diet pills here and there prior to this affirmation. I went to GNC in August tried a thermogenic, didn't work for me. Then I tried Recreate for 6 weeks, it worked, but I think my body got used to it. So I am now trying the Fat burner by Jillian.
I take two jillian tabs, two tonilins, a multi, a dss at my meal. Prior to workout I take 2 ephadrines due to asthma. I do the same for breakfast and dinner. I am down to 307.
Now advice: there are many tablets out there. If that is the route you want to go, that is your choice. Save the reciept, it may not work. Our body chemistry is different from one person to the next. I have read books, and have tried majority of the store products out there. If anyone has questions, I can answer them. I know about side effects, pros and cons of many of the tablets. First things first, so you know I am not an idiot- never ever say you are on a diet. Saying you are on a diet is like saying you are financially poor. It is a state of mind. It will make you more prone to failure. [email address removed by moderator] hit me up, I can help.

Jillian Michaels- after 10 days, good stuff, side effects, heart beat irregularity, nervous twitching, nausea, upset stomach, the trots, high blood preasure, light headedness, headaches. Its about the same as most of the stuff out there. I think some of this product is similar to Alli- it will help capture some of the fat, and release some of the fat from your internal storage, to burn. The downfall to the product is the stomach cramps, and the lack of info on or in ther box. Other than that, I am happy with the product and would like to try the others.

November 10, 2009 - 6:44pm


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