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EmpowHER Guest

im not sure how much of this everyone has read but incase youve read all the pages i was the girl with the 8 month baby. I did the detox and cleanse but didnt feel even a slight bit different and didnt lose any weight. ive been eating good and working out as much as i can (with a baby and a husband thats deployed it can be hard to find the right time) ive been on the calorie control and fat burner for about 4-5 days and ive lost 7lbs! i feel awesome, i get more energy when normally im too exhausted from the day. i just hope i can keep this on a role because my eating well and workingout the little im able to hasnt helped at all! im 22 and at 5'9" i dont want to be over 200 anymore! heres to losing more baby weight! =]

October 16, 2009 - 3:28pm


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